Our Wives Under the Sea by Julia Armfield
Long and Short of it: A lot of build just to be let down and confused. I wanted to read something that would scare me.
Long and Short of it: A lot of build just to be let down and confused. I wanted to read something that would scare me.
I went into The Loop by Jeremy Robert Johnson not really knowing what to expect. I’ve never watched or read World War Z, and when
If you’re looking for something super sci-fi and devious, this is not for you. More contemporary than anything else, This is Not the End by
In The Arrival of Missives by Aliya Whiteley, the author continues to stun me with her expert wordcraft. Transitioning from the previous short work of
A world where every single memory is recorded and kept in crystal clear recollections. Not just what happened, but how it felt. Then, the ability
The premise is a very curious one. Oasis is a planet that was essentially discovered by a private organisation, USIC, and fully controlled and operated