
Paint It All Red by S. T. Abby – vs – The Luminaries by Susan Dennard
We have the finale for the Mindf*ck series going up against the only YA title this month. Ratings alone, Paint It All Red eeks The Luminaries out by half a star. However, The Luminaries was a strong 4 stars coming in to start a series, while Paint It All Red stumbled from the five star book before it in the series. A conclusion with emotion versus a beginning building angst. Surprisingly? I think The Luminaaries is going to move forward to the finals!
All The Lies by S. T. Abby – vs – The Hurting Kind by Ada Limón
A clash of juggernauts as the only five star reviews go up against one another. The emotion pushed The Hurting Kind through in the quarterfinals but it won’t be enough to overcome All The Lies which had emotion AND sex. That ending scene…

The Luminaries by Susan Dennard – vs – All The Lies by S. T. Abby
The Luminaries did so well for being the only YA book on the bracket for November. Jay Friday continues to be dreamy and the situation Winnie and her family were put through continues being messed up. However, it cannot beat out All The Lies. Logan and Lana are simply TOO good. The situation Lana was put through is fucked up. The heartbreak they go through in this book is TOO much and simply unbeatable. Honestly, I’ll be surprised it anything beats this one out at the year end bracket.