Flower Crowns and Fearsome Things by Amanda Lovelace

Flower Crowns and Fearsome Things by Amanda Lovelace
Published by Andrews McMeel Publishing on October 5, 2021
Genres: Poetry
Pages: 178
Format: eBook
Source: Library
Purchase on: Amazon// Barnes & Noble
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in her new standalone poetry collection, flower crowns & fearsome things, bestselling & award-winning poetess amanda lovelace explores the complexity of femininity through alternating wildflower & wildfire poems.
within these pages, you will find that each of us has the ability to be both soft & fierce at the same time. there is no need to choose one or the other.


I made the decision recently to get back into reading poetry. Sometimes, I just want really powerful, hyperbolic lines. Flower Crowns and Fearsome Things by Amanda Lovelace seemed really interesting and I found the author through some googling on top recently released poetry books. My local library had a copy so I picked it up, excited to dive in.

Unfortunately, my dive fell flat. Many of the poems seemed like angsty tumblr vague posts of a 13 year old. There was one that poem that I loved, which is the only reason I gave this an extra star – wild violet. That one really spoke to me and I’ll carry it with me as a mantra.

Should you pick this up? Honestly? Maybe for a teen daughter. For an adult? I’d skip it honestly or do like I did and grab it from the library.


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