Bruja Born by Zoraida Córdova

Bruja Born (Brooklyn Brujas, #2) by Zoraida Córdova
Series: Brooklyn Brujas #2
Published by Sourcebooks Fire on June 5, 2018
Genres: Paranormal, Witches, Young Adult
Pages: 336
Format: ARC
Source: Author
Purchase on: Amazon// Barnes & Noble
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I voluntarily reviewed a complimentary copy of this book. This does not affect my opinion of the book or the content of my review.


Lula Mortiz may be a bruja with healing powers, but after her family's battle in Los Lagos, she feels broken in a way she can't seem to fix. Then tragedy strikes when a bus crash leaves her friends and her boyfriend, Maks, dead. Desperate to reclaim normalcy, Lula invokes a dark spell to bring Maks back. It isn't until she hears that all of the bodies from the crash have gone missing that she realizes something is wrong. Lula has unwittingly raised an army of casi muertos--creatures between the living and dead--and they're hungry for freedom...which they can only achieve if Lula dies.


Though I was initially hesitant on what Bruja Born by Zoraida Córdova could be out as I discovered that the narrative focus would change from first book in the series, Labyrinth Lost, where we followed bi/pansexual Alex and her story, to that of eldest sister Lula. Though I loved Lula in Labyrinth Lost, I wanted to see Alex’s story continue. That said, Bruja Born completely blew Labyrinth Lost out of the water.

Labyrinth Lost has moments where I would stop and think why are you so foolish Alex, and then I would realize well of course she’s foolish, she’s a young teen! So when Córdova switches to Lula’s point of view, it was such a difference. Córdova is absolutely amazing at creating two completely different people with different and distinct manners of speech, of thought, of feeling. Where she had us feeling uncertain and unsure with Alex in Labyrinth Lost, we have such an unwavering feeling of anger, betrayal, and realization. Above all, we feel Lula’s whole heart that is ever certain. With Lula, I could completely connect. The times this book has made me cry is ridiculous.

Where the first book in the Brooklyn Brujas series takes us away to a magical world, Bruja Born keeps us in New York and keeps things grounded. A simple love story that Córdova crafts so delicately and tenderly you can’t help but feel connected to this world that continues feeling fresh, yet familiar for those of us who are New Yorkers.

Bruja Born by Zoraida Córdova is absolutely, heartbreakingly wonderful in every way. She remains masterful at creating real, likable, and human characters and infusing the latinx way of being into a world of magic and wonder. If there were more authors like Córdova and more books like Bruja Born, I could honestly say we Latinx may feel a bit more at home in the fantasy literary community, seeing a slice of our lives on the written page.


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